In the spring of 2012 I began to build a workshop. It sits on a 16' X 26' concrete slab, uses "Post and Beam" construction and has a 6' X 8' room for garden equipment as well as an equal sized storage room. Mostly I worked by myself after the slab was poured, but Wendy aided with siding and shingles and Martie helped with the big pieces of sheetrock. The exterior of the building was completed about Thanksgiving. Following a hiatus for Christmas and Sanibel, I completed the interior in April and May of 2013. Currently I am building the workbench and other tool storage furniture. It is a real joy to finally have a permanent work area even if it is 30 years late.
I took copius pictures during construction primarily to show my compadre in Bolivia. There are many details that are commonplace for US construction which our foreign friends will find quite interesting. It was not my purpose to put you to sleep, but the possibility exsists.
There may be a better way to display the pictures taken during construction, but I am not that knowledgeable of a webmaster. If one of these two buttons will not give you access, my apologies.
If your computer supports Windows Media Video, use this button. This slide
show will take about 20 minutes to run to the end, but use the controls that
appear when you hover the mouse at the bottom of the picture to pause and
If you have Adobe on your computer, use this button and click your way
through the slides.